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Know About Ravi Pushya Yoga, Its Date, Importance & Other Facts

Ravi Pushya Yoga is one of the most highly regarded Yoga in astrology. When Pushya falls on Sunday it forms highly auspicious Ravi Pushya Yoga. Just like a lion is above all animals and termed as the king of the jungle, in the same manner among all the Nakshatra, Pushya Nakshatra is the most important one. The Pushya Nakshatra relieves one from all kinds of doshas. In fact, if the moon is in the 4th, eighth or 12th house during transit, the Pushyaamrita Yoga completes all your tasks. Ravi Pushya Yoga 2019 will happen six times during the year.

Pushya Nakshatra is regarded most auspicious in the Hindu scriptures. Pushya means ‘to nourish’ and hence this nakshatra provides energy and power. Natives born under this nakshatra(constellation) are always ready to help and serve people. They also believe in moving ahead in life through their hard work and abilities.

As per the Indian tradition, the Indian Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, Lakshmi was born in the Pushya Nakshatra and thus is considered as highly auspicious muhurat for starting a business, purchasing gold ornaments, starting a new venture, poojas, havan, homam, bhoomi poojan, auspicious activities, signing documents etc.

The shopping for upcoming marriages, events and festivals at this time is considered auspicious. According to astrology, along with new items, Goddess Lakshmi comes and resides within the home for a long time. In a year there are only two or three times when such auspicious Yoga is formed.

Ravi Pushya gives siddhi of tantra and mantra, extremely beneficial for the practitioner of spiritual and religious activities. Pushya Nakshatra is only prohibited for the purpose of marriage and for each and every work on Friday. The basic characteristics of Pushya Nakshatra are high yielding, nurturing and caring. Other important qualities of Pushya Nakshatra are opulence, propitious and good fortune. The Pushya Nakshatra is loved by all due to its countless positive attributes and the results that it yields.

According to Hindu astrology, the favourable alignment of stars on Pushya Nakshatra results in peace, prosperity and good fortune. Any kind of Pooja or ‘saadhna’ undertaken during the guru Pushya Nakshatra gives greater success and benefits. Pushya Nakshatra increases the effectiveness of any work being undertaken during the period, it also results into higher productivity and luxury.

Date Yog Combination Start Time End Time Period
21st January Pushya & Sunday – Ravi Pushya 5:22 am, 21st Jan 6:39 am, 21st Jan 1 Hour, 16 Mins
17th February Pushya & Sunday – Ravi Pushya 4:46 pm, 17th Feb 6:33 am, 18th Feb 13 Hours, 47 Mins
17th March Pushya & Sunday – Ravi Pushya 6:18 am, 17th Mar 12:11 am, 18th Mar 17 Hours, 52 Mins
14th April Pushya & Sunday – Ravi Pushya 6:00 am, 14th Apr 7:40 am, 14th Apr 1 Hour, 39 Mins
17th November Pushya & Sunday – Ravi Pushya 10:59 pm,17th Nov 6:12 am, 18th Nov 7 Hours, 13 Mins
15th December Pushya & Sunday – Ravi Pushya 6:26 am, 15th Dec 4:01 am, 16th Dec 21 Hours,34 Mins

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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