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Can Gautam Adani Convert Challenges Into Opportunities? Here Is What Ganesha Says

Big businesses are the major drivers of economic growth. They keep up the momentum of development and prosperity by fueling innovations and social change. Well, one such large business is of the formidable Adani Group, led by Gautam Adani and his family members. The net worth of Gautam Adani’s business is said to be around 8.81 billion US dollars making him one of the foremost businesspersons in India and a prominent one in the world as a whole. Ganesha has now analysed Gautam Adani’s horoscope to gauge where he is headed in future. Here are the findings:

Gautam Adani Birth Details
Date of Birth: 24th June,1962
Birth Time: Not Available
Place of Birth: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Since Gautam Adani’s birth date is 24th June1962, his Moolank is 2 + 4 = 6 which is the number of Venus. Whereas, his Bhagyank is 2 + 4 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 2 = 30 = 3 + 0 = 3 which is the number of Jupiter. Hence, there is a possibility of challenges in his life because Venus and Jupiter are enemies of each other. Since the birth date is 24, the number of Moon – 2 and the number of Rahu – 4 together forms the number of Venus – 6. This position of numbers reflects Gautam Adani’s trait of great emotional attachment, and also his tendency of creating something new from old things.

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He will experience both good and bad things in life. However, there is also a strong possibility of success after struggling. Within the date of birth of Gautam Adani, the number of the Moon and Venus comes twice. While the number of Rahu, Sun and Mars occurs only once. Hence, adventure, struggle and success all these will occur in his life.

If we look at his Namank, GAUTAM (7 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4) ADANI (1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 9) = 18 + 20 = 38 = 12 = 3, which is the number of Jupiter. Gautam Adani’s Namank and Bhagyank both are 3, which indicates the number of Jupiter. This increases the probability of dynamic progress in his life.

The labhesh Mars and asthmesh & bhagyesh Saturn is swagruhi. Besides, they are aspecting each other from the kendra. This forms the yog of an industrialist. Further, the panchmesh Venus is in yuva awastha, which is also the vyayesh. This displays progress in foreign related business alliance. The swagruhi Saturn in yuva awastha makes Gautam Adani work hard. Whereas, Mercury in kumar awastha provides him great insight in business. Moreover, the Sun is also in kumar awastha, which gives him the qualities of self-confidence and business diplomacy up to a large extent.

On the negative side, Saturn and Ketu are forming a Shrapit Dosh, which gives an indication of challenging life. Further, the Sun-Saturn Shadashtak Yog creates complications in government work. But the aspect of Jupiter over the Sun provides security. Hence, success will finally be witnessed after challenges.

As per his solar horoscope, currently the lagnesh Mercury is in the 10th house. Besides, the parakramesh Sun is also in the 10th house, and in square with Saturn and Mars. Hence, the current period is likely to cause Gautam Adani unnecessary worries and government complications. Furthermore, the transiting Saturn is completely aspecting the natal Sun, which causes obstacles in government affairs in the area of activity.

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He will have to be extra careful about ailments. The transiting Rahu is passing over the natal Venus and Rahu in his dhan sthan. This indicates stress in financial matters. Whereas, Ketu passing over the natal Saturn and Ketu in the eight house creates obstacles in growth and business difficulties. But, the aspect of transiting Jupiter over the natal Jupiter and dhanesh Moon provides security in business and in the financial sector.

Libra’s Jupiter and the cause & lord of litigation is completely aspecting Mars. Hence, Libra’s Jupiter will provide security till 12th October 2018 in legal problems. In addition, the aspect of Jupiter on the significator of government and the parakramesh Sun will also be helpful to Gautam Adani in government activities.

However, after 8th March 2019 Rahu of Gemini and Ketu of Sagittarius will cause Gautam Adani a lot of troubles and problems. Besides, from 12th October 2018 to 29th March 2019 the Jupiter of Scorpio sign will completely aspect Mercury. Whereas, from 29th March 2019 to 23rd April 2019 the Jupiter of Sagittarius sign will completely aspect the Sun. Thus, he will find a path to come out of government complications. Moreover, from 23rd April 2019 to 5th November 2019 the Jupiter of Scorpio will return and aspect Mercury & Venus, which will provide safety. Hence overall, the year 2018 and 2019 will finally provide him success after challenges, legal complications and obstacles.

Best wishes from Ganesha to achieve progress in all the areas of life.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Prakash Pandya,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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