Will Tom Cruise starrer Valkyrie do well at the Box Office?

Will Tom Cruise starrer Valkyrie do well at the Box Office?

Will Tom Cruise starrer Valkyrie do well at the Box Office?

Introduction: Bryan Singer, the director of “The Usual Suspects” and “X-Men” is back once again with his long awaited Tom Cruise starrer ”Valkyrie”. The film is based on the actual events of German generals plotting to assassinate Adolf Hitler during World War II. The film has created a hype before its release, but the question is, will Valkyrie do well at the box office? Ganesha answers this question with the help of Western Astrology. This movie will be releasing in USA under the influence of Capricorn or Aquarius Ascendant in -5 hours and – 8 hours time zone areas. However, the Ascendants rising at the time of the release of this movie in various countries would be different, hence Ganesha takes the help of Cosmogram to predict the fate of this movie.

Valkyrie Release Date Cosmogram
25th December 2008
10 hours 15 min.
California, CA, USA


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Ganesha has used 90 degree dial, specifically to check the influence of the Midpoints on Venus and Sun, the significators of Arts and Glory, respectively. The following is the list of MP (Midpoints) used for the reading.

Venus will be active by the following MPs
Moon/Vulkanus, Mars/Zeus, Cupido/Vulkanus, Moon/Apollon, Mercury/Saturn, Venus/Neptune

Sun will be active by the following MPs
Midheaven/Apollon, Ascendant/Poseidon, Jupiter/Midheaven, Mercury/Uranus, North Node/Ascendant, Hades/Zeus

HA/ZE indicates unfamiliar situations, but it also indicates reforms and the development of new ideas. So, even this MP influencing Sun, is not so negative.

What Ganesha has liked the most in this MP configuration is, SU = MC/AP. Apollon indicates expansion, trade, and it is also called ‘the multiplier’

Ganesha feels that this movie will receive very good opening at the box office and first day as well as first week’s opening business. However, Sun = North Node/Ascendant makes Ganesha feel that some controversy will definitely surround this film. Directorial efforts will be applauded because of the Sun = Jupiter/Midheaven. Ganesha strongly feels that this feature film will do a good business in the first weekend, and during the first two weeks. From third week onwards, movie may start slowing down at the box office, but it will definitely be noticed and applauded by audiences all over the world. The regular movie goers may also prefer to watch it again. In other words, repeat audience and mouth publicity will also help ‘expand’ the business of this film. Though there are all chances of this moving going hit internationally, Ganesha feels that it will do very well in USA and the entire Europe.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless the cast and crew of Valkyrie with greater success at the box office.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni