Wellness Is trust a major factor in your relationship?

Is trust a major factor in your relationship?

It can be draining, demanding, and overwhelming to not be able to trust your spouse or be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t trust you. Regardless of what you’re dealing with, understanding the reasons and symptoms will help you better understand how to resolve trust issues in a relationship. Some trust issues may be simpler to resolve than others.

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Signs That You Lack Trust

Concerned about your relationship’s trust issues? First of all, there’s a good possibility you might have something worth working on if you’re pondering about it. There are a number of actions that may be a sign that you’re having trust issues.

  • You believe your spouse is attempting to harm you
  • You avoid committing in general
  • You cut off contact with others.
  • You argue with your partner frequently.
  • You keep your things with yourself.
  • You instinctively think your partner is out to get you or is lying to you.
  • You’re hesitant to be vulnerable with your partner.
  • Feeling overly protective
  • You struggle with intimacy. During intimate moments with your partner, you experience panic.

Trust Issues: Common Root Causes

Trust problems can be brought on by a variety of experiences or life events. Understanding why you’re having trust problems in the first place is a necessary step in learning how to handle them in a relationship.

Childhood trauma and experiences

Childhood trauma can cause trust issues that last throughout your life. If you experienced abuse, neglect, or other forms of mistreatment as a child, you might discover that you still have trouble trusting people as an adult.

Social exclusion

People who feel rejected or socially isolated may start to erect walls around themselves to protect themselves. You may have learnt at some point not to trust others out of fear of injury, especially if bullying is involved. This rejection and pain can cause self-esteem problems over any period of time, which have a significant impact on your capacity to trust others.


Any traumatic occurrence, including assault and abuse, can have an impact on how you relate to and trust people. Your capacity to trust can be significantly impacted by traumatic experiences like the ones listed below:

  • Serious disease
  • Traumatic accident
  • The loss of a family member or friend causes grief
  • Theft or damage to personal property
  • Infidelity
  • Violent abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Combat

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A terrible incident has occurred in the lives of those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), who are more likely to fear imagined risk in the future. A result of this can be apprehension about putting your faith in people or letting them get too close to you.

If you have PTSD, it’s usual for you to repeatedly replay the traumatic event in your mind. Anxiety may result from this, which may cause a desire to withdraw and avoid social interaction. Your hesitation to trust may be caused by a combination of all these factors.

Mental Health issues

Certain mental health difficulties or symptoms can occasionally cause trust problems in a relationship. Several typical examples include:

  • Adjustment disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Attachment issues
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Depression
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Paranoia
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Schizophrenia

How to resolve it?

Even while trust concerns can be challenging, there is some slight positive news. You can receive assistance if you’re looking for advice on how to handle trust problems in a relationship. The following suggestions are methods you can deal with your trust difficulties and start to get better so you can build trusting, honest, and wholesome connections with your partner.

  1. Start focusing on YOURSELF 

Self-discovery is helpful whenever you’re wanting to get better or develop. The first stage in the procedure is to identify the cause or origin of your trust issues. You can only start to alter your responses to situations and begin living a healthier and more productive lifestyle by understanding why you behave the way you do.

  1. Deal with your pain

You may start processing the anguish that was caused by your problems once you know what caused them. Regardless of the cause of your lack of trust—hurt, betrayal, abuse, or another experience—acknowledging the event is essential to get past it.

  1. Develop a risk-taking mindset

Risk-taking may be inhibited when we are scared to trust. Risk aversion can be beneficial in some situations, but it can become an issue if it prevents you from developing in a relationship. Focusing on your ability to take a risk might be a significant step in the process of resolving trust issues in a relationship if you’re seeking for specific suggestions.

Anytime you put your faith in someone, you run the risk of getting injured. You must comprehend that concept and feel at ease with it in order to maintain a healthy connection. Since the two are interrelated, if you concentrate on being willing to take a chance, you could be able to trust your spouse more and more every day.

  1. Improve your communication skills

Any partnership needs to have open communication. Being able to develop positive communication techniques with your partner when trust difficulties arise is one way you can try to increase trust. Because you were able to articulate your boundaries clearly, your spouse will be able to respect them if they are known and understood. You may gain more trust as a result of this.

  1. Forgiveness is the key 

No matter how hurt you are, there is always a chance to detach yourself from that hurt. The simple but not so easy way to do this is forgiving that person. Forgiving is not forgetting. Understand that person’s situation by giving them a chance to explain their side of the story. If you constantly stick to the hurt, even if they have apologized for the same, then it’s you who wants to hurt you.

A word from Ganeshaspeaks

Relationships are meant to be enjoyed. They should enrich your life, rather than stressing you out. Distress in relationship is normal as long as it is short lived. When things go out of hand, you need to work on it immediately.

Visit Ganeshaspeaks.com and download the app to understand  your relationships better. Speak to our wellness experts through a call or a chat.