About Cancer

Sanskrit/Vedic name:
Cancer Meaning:
The Crabs
Cancer Sign
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac who loves to run deep. It is one of the greatest astrological enigmas in the zodiac circle. It is a feminine sign and archetype as a mother. The sign has a strong connection to their feelings and emotions. It is a tender sign moved by feelings and desires of affection.
How to recognize Cancer?
Cancer natives are caring and matriarchal, sensitive and little dependent. They are the nurturer of the zodiac circle who are tenaciously loyal and loving. They are hard and insensitive from outside but very soft and sensitive from inside. They usually cry because of their fragile and vulnerable heart. They offer empathy and can sit for long hours with closed ones. Typically, they are one step forward, two steps back. They intensely live in the past in their memories and in the future in their imaginations. They fiercely hold themselves and their dear ones.
Cancer natives synchronize their passing moods to waning and waxing of the Moon and hence possess the mysterious influence of it. They keep on fluctuating highs and lows. They are constant on inconsistency and possess dependable periodicity. Funny Cancerians giggle and gurgle very loudly and can laugh for a minute continuously. They come up with good jokes and their funny side is startling and pops up incongruously from their quiet and gentle personality. They have an uncanny sense of publicity. It is only noticed when they are pleased. They secretly enjoy the attention. They will soak up all kinds of headlines they get. They won’t pursue fame with passion but certainly won’t shrink from it. They give a cranky answer at times and come up with occasional crabby spells when they are disappointed. When this disappointment gets over, they come back with their own sweet, gentle and understanding self. There are other secret traits that a Cancerian can explore! Ask our expert astrologers!