Aries Health

The natives have great energy, contagious enthusiasm, strength, and stamina. Your health issues are mainly due to overstress of work, squeezing yourself in course of accomplishing goals, angry impatience, and frustration. The natives are usually vigorous and possess a strong and tough constitution. You would be confined to bed when you are really sick. Your reaction to delay have an adverse impact on your health. You have a dash, confidence and the incredible power of speedy recovery. Your energy levels and moods sometimes fluctuate widely, which would be a serious concern for you. Though you are fitness conscious still you need to take care of your diet. You should avoid coffee, sugar and intoxicating drinks as these substances tend to stress your ailments. In spite of the tendency to get involved in accidents and all sorts of mishaps due to your intense activity, you are very tough. Get the easy remedial solution online to overcome accidents and mishaps.
Possible health concerns
You are likely to fall victim to chronic and lingering diseases. You are more susceptible to fuming fever, rage infections in the stomach and kidneys, strokes and high blood pressure. You, however, are susceptible to migraine headaches, stomach ailments, and kidney infections. You should take extra care of the head, stomach, and kidneys. You should watch your diet as there are strong chances of indigestion and stomach disorders. You should guard your eyesight, visit the dentist regularly and treat your head cold seriously. You should stay away from alcohol to safeguard your kidneys and also to control combustible behavior and temperament due to Mars. You are likely to have skin rashes and pain in knee caps.
Food for Aries
You should intake a good amount of potassium phosphate in your diet in order to keep yourself away from depression. Potassium phosphate is good for the liver and kidneys. Food rich in these minerals are beans, tomatoes brown rice, lentils, olives, onions, walnuts, lettuce, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, broccoli, figs, apricots, pumpkins, and bananas. You should also include dairy products in your diet as they are rich in calcium and healthy for teeth and bones. You should spend money on juicer or blender to prepare vegetable juices and smoothies that are quick and nutritious for you.
You belong to the fire element, so you should stay away from spicy food to keep acidity at bay. Salt and liquor are your enemies. Too much intake of salt would bring adversities to bones and arteries. It would negatively affect your skeletal and lymphatic systems. You should stay away from liquor as it would overstimulate and react negatively to your kidneys. You should drink plenty of water which is good for digestion and better functioning of kidneys. You should take proper sleep to be more relaxed and regain energy. 2020 Yearly Report gives you the best of the guidance, to direct yourself in a way that can surely improve your life with certain decisions related to your health. Get your Free Personalized 2020 Report!
Aries Physical Appearance
The natives have sharp features with a prominent chin, nose, and mouth with a full upper lip. You have wide-set eyes with well-marked eyebrows. Your tone of speaking shows your self-confidence. You usually have broad shoulders and your body may slightly bend forward while walking. You lead your head while speaking and always walk in a great hurry. Since you walk fast you fall short on gracefulness. Your bone structure is fine and strong. Your postures reflect your self-confidence and supreme ego and bravery. You stand up straight and look straight in the eyes of the people unless you are deeply hurt or saddened. You have an average height, and your complexion is a little tanned and rugged than average. Your appearance can be jarring and you may have a mole somewhere on the face. The look is usually eccentric, often sporty, energetic and unrefined.
Aries Beauty
You herald the new beginning and red color suits you the best. The color best matches your spirited personality. You should use this color more in your make-up and outfits as well as accessories to enhance your characteristics and beauty traits. You have a prominent forehead with dark, striking and well-marked eyebrows that compliment your facial structure. The smoky shades and smudged thick eyeliner best suit your intense eyes. You have the luxury of well-defined cheekbones. You will look attractive and graceful with soft shade highlighter and long earrings. The sign has significance on the head, so hats or headgear of any color and design would suit your personality. Whether it is a last-minute purchase or a carefully chosen dress, it will look great on an Aries. The same thing may look ordinary on anyone else, but you carry any kind of outfit perfectly and look very fashionable and graceful.
Each individual has its own personality that makes him/her indifferent from the rest. What’s yours? Know with your personalized Janampatri. Access your Free Janampatri here!