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Aries Relationship

Aries Relationship

Known as social magnets, Aries have childlike innocence that others find irresistible. Trust is a big issue for you, so when it is broken, the damage is hardly repairable in the case of Aries relationships. When someone is onto something new he will always have you on his side. There is never a dull moment with you. You will always bring good vibes and variety in the world of your loved ones as you are outgoing and adventurous.

You may become jealous and have possessiveness for your closed ones. You usually take a direct approach to confront their feelings, unlike others. You are open and boldly explain your expectations and feelings.

The Rams are known to be flirtatious when it comes to romance, and will proactively pursue their loved ones. When you are attracted to someone, you are very passionate about them. They would directly confront the feelings to the loved ones instead of beating around the bush. You are a determined, emotional and passionate lover. You are prone to throw tantrums and show temper with your love partner sometimes. But when you realize it, you will declare your undying feelings to your partner.

If you wish to hit it off with Aries and impress them, you cannot afford to be monotonous. You will have to keep engaging them in new things. You will have to match with their energy and expectations, says Ganesha. The Rams love adventure and want to rule in the relationship. It is not very easy to build a relationship with them, but once they commit, they are usually honest and loyal for life. You need to show your love and care to them. They expect the same level of sincerity, honesty, and loyalty from you. If you cheat them or lie then they will feel detached and step back from the relationship forever.

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You prove to be an enthusiastic, driven and helpful colleague. You love to do your work independently but always give your hand when someone needs it. You would first volunteer and pioneer the new projects. You sometimes find it difficult to discriminate against the projects that are feasible and worthy. You are a born leader and sometimes become too bossy. This attitude of yours is not appreciated by the other employees. You make decisions impulsively but sometimes you need to pay badly for this. You are born with boundless energy and pioneering spirit and it is difficult for other employees to match your pace. Your fiery optimism and positivity are communicable. You end up giving more than your capacity if you are passionate about it.

You are very loyal and faithful to your friends and expect the same from them. This is the reason you have more friends. You would effortlessly support your friends but expect appreciation from them. You are flexible and easily get along with people of different natures. Hence, your friends are varied and quite different from each other. You also make friends with diametrically opposite personalities. This is why all your friends will have the strongest bond with you. Ganesha says, you are born with a bundle of energy and hence your friends will find difficulty in matching with you. You need to slow down a little bit or they have to stretch their muscles to get things done. Though you are sensitive and emotional, your friends generally refrain from opening their emotional side to you. Once you have created a solid bond with anyone, you would be honest and trustworthy with them forever.

As you have a lot of friends with varied natures, the biggest challenge for you is to keep everyone happy. You often underestimate your friends and show tantrums with them. Y If your friend argues with you, you would keep on arguing with them to prove them wrong.

Every friendship is unique, after all. But according to astrology, there are some sun signs that play better with others. So who are your best and worst friend matches?

As a boss, the Rams can be very tough task-masters. You are energetic, enthusiastic, impulsive and never hesitate to take risks. You are a natural leader and know how to get the best from your subordinates. You are a champion and don’t take much time in making decisions. You would love to get work done quickly. You always expect that your employees should devote all their energies in the assigned work and should finish it fast. You follow the straight forward approach and appreciate the work only if it is the best. You would criticize bluntly if they fail to do work on time or do ample mistakes at work.

You are not completely devoid of compassion, says Ganesha. You understand your employees and easily identify their problems. You will do everything to support them to come out from difficult situations. They will also support you and will put a cent percent effort in work. You are very innovative and introduce new technologies to make your employees work easier and faster. You would give a lot of freedom to your employees regarding the working style and timings. For you, the only thing that matters is the desired results from them.

To understand the pros and cons of your relation with your boss: Get fully personalized report and handwritten compatibility report for boss and you.

You are fun-loving and highly caring for your children and family. You immensely enjoy the time that you spend in raising your kids. You handle the responsibility of a father very well. You enjoy taking care of your kids and hence you don’t feel it like responsibility nor have the stress of it.

You are generally a dominating father and are overprotective of your children. Though you control your kids to some extent at the same time you give them enough space to showcase and uplift their talent. You are a perfectionist and give the best in everything that you undertake and expect the same from your children. You will encourage your children to play different games and take training in sports or physical activities of their choice. You strongly believe in creating a balance between study and play. You want them to learn all good values. You are broad-minded and very friendly with them but at the same time, you make it very clear that you are a father first then a friend.

The biggest advantage of having an Aries as a father is you won’t have any dull moment with them. He would be open to spending fun family time and plan adventurous trips with family. The disadvantage is they directly impose their likes and dislikes on children.

You are affectionate, strict, dominating and overprotective for your children. You are a super mom and raise your kids as super kids. You love to spoon-feed your kids at the same time you are strict when you find them getting diverted from their aims and objectives of life. You want your child to excel in their studies, career and the activities of their interest.

The biggest advantage of having an Aries as a mother is she will do everything for her children and deeply take care of them. She will wipe the tears of kids, give her shoulder for them to cry and vent out their feelings and would also listen to their problems. The only disadvantage is she imposes strict rules and expects children to abide by it.

Every parent raises their children differently. Know your parenting style according to the zodiac sign.

The Rams as children respect and love their parents. You love to get a lot of attention from parents and are very noisy with your demands. You are rarely wild and rebellious. You have a passionate, creative and restless approach in life. You are very strong in your choice and goals of life. You would be stubborn to follow a chosen path and career, despite disapproval from parents. Still, you are very attached to your parents and take good care of them in their old age and whenever they need you.

You really find it difficult to share your toys and favorite dishes. You are optimistic, cheerful, spontaneous and eager to try everything. You would like to take lead in academics, career, and other activities. You love to participate in competitive exams and sports. You are born leaders and maybe the captain of your sports team or monitor of the class. You love to rule over your siblings and friends. It is really a tough time for your parents, siblings, and friends to make you realize your mistakes. You are up, moving around and involved in everything that interests you. You are hyperactive round the clock. You get angry instantly but your anger would dissolve into happiness and joy quickly.

You are headstrong in the race and may stick to your needs and demands. You may not calm down until your parents fulfill it, says Ganesha. Your tantrums and temperament can often annoy your parents to a point of intolerance and unacceptance. You are destined for doing big things in life and will bring glory to the family. Most of them are also very attached to their parents, and as the parents grow older, these children tend to become more caring towards their parents’ needs.

Best match for marriage: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius Woman

You may find difficulty in adjusting to new roles as a husband along with your current roles. It doesn’t mean you won’t handle it. You will start enjoying new roles very soon once you have a strong bond with your partner and see benefits in a personal relationship. You can be a fabulous husband and many girls fantasize to have a husband like you. You are a highly ambitious, emotional, bold and kind-hearted husband. You usually have a positive attitude in relationships with your spouse and she appreciates it. You have a strong belief in love and sustain your relationship in a friendly, profound and pleasant way. You are a faithful husband and your wife can trust you blindly. You will marry a person who is smart, beautiful and more importantly good at heart.

Your impatience can be a reason for issues in your married life. You want spontaneous results in all areas of life due to which you may miss out on a lot of things. Though you are a gentle, dynamic and impressive personality, you soon get annoyed when things don’t go as per your wish. You get offended when she disagrees or suggests something. This attitude can strain your relationship. Your personal goals are important to you and this may lead to some ignorance towards your wife. She may feel emotionally hurt at that time.

Know the prospects of your marriage and problems related to marriage in 2023 with the help of Aries Marriage, Family And Child Horoscope for 2023.

Best match for marriage: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius Men

You are an impressive, intelligent, charming and independent wife. You are a beauty with brains. You exhibit the qualities of a seasoned wife who very well knows all sides of the husband and to get out the best from him. You won’t marry until you get a partner of your choice. You are one of the most progressive ladies, ambitious and fascinated by new ideas and challenges. You need a husband who is ambitious and determined to get success in life.

You may show a few dominating qualities in your relationship. You are highly active and balance your work and personal life in the best way. You are noble, sincere, loyal and friendly with your husband. You would find a way out for every problem and never complain about anything. You have a strong opinion and tend to boast about your achievements in public. You are possessive and want enough attention from your partner. If your partner fails to do that, you start feeling jealous. You dislike a dominating partner. You feel happy if your husband is equally passionate and possessive for you. You believe in yourself and are not always open to suggestions or changes from other family members. However, if required you would sacrifice yourself for family.

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