Pisces Decans

Pisces Decans

Born between February 19 and February 29

The planetary rulers are Jupiter and Neptune in case the individual is born between 19th February and 29th February. The individual born under this Decan shall have fixed purpose and would be stubborn. The individual shall have a vision but shall be largely impractical. In the middle and old age, destiny would smile. A Decan of spirituality, tail-spins, sudden power and gains. Those born under this influence are selfless, intuitive and romantic. They have a h5 imagination and would see beauty and poetry in everything. They can sense the mood and emotions of others as they are very intuitive. They are happy to help people and share their burdens. They also make wonderful friends and are good listeners. Further, if you are interested to know more about your friendship bond, you can buy Best Friends Forever report.

Born between March 1 and March 10 The planetary ruler is Moon in case the individual is born between 1st March and 10th March. The individual born under this Decan shall have wonderful will-power, but simultaneously may also be moody and withdrawn at certain times. A good home atmosphere shall be significant for them. Also, important are colour, shape, form and design for a Pisces-born. Moreover, there is a danger that these people may get overindulgent towards drugs or sex. Thus, it shall be good for them if they remain away from drugs and all types of intoxicants. Individuals born under this influence are sensitive on the whole, and are said to possess h5 psychic abilities. These people are selfless individuals, and shall do anything for anyone. They are natural givers, and don’t like to take anything from anyone. They have a unique ability to feel and gauge others’ emotions, and that is why they have their hand on the pulse of the people. Besides, you can find out your strengths and weaknesses from Your Horoscope Analysis which is based on your Birth Chart.

The planetary ruler is Mars in case the individual is born between 11th March and 20th March. This individual will be h5er than all the Pisces who are born under other Decans. The individual born under this Decan knows really well how to succeed in all the spheres of life. Nonetheless, given their awesome energy from Mars and their Piscean qualities, they may keep dreaming and hallucinating. They envision many things, still they aren’t able to express them all – thus, sometimes, they pile up mental anxiety and depression, particularly, when the reality doesn’t conform to their fantasy world. You can acquire Remedial Solutions for your Personal Issues which is based on your personal Horoscope, prepared by an expert astrologer. You might also be interested in reading about Pisces Relationship.