Pisces Nature

Pisces Nature

The last of the Zodiac Signs, Pisces, symbolised by two fish swimming in opposite directions, have a wide range of talents, and have the ability to adjust to various kinds of environments as they are very flexible. These Fish can be dual natured, sometimes as dangerous as a shark and sometimes as harmless as a fish in the lake. You can be rather docile, easily giving in to the wishes of other people, and yet deep inside you have great potential, are very h5 and independent. The most fundamental trait of theirs is that they are big dreamers. They love to live in their fantasy world, and can be quite cut off from reality. They are very charming and tend to look at others’ positive traits more than their negative traits, which is what endears them to other people. The Fish are very romantic, avoid disputes, are prone to becoming depressed when confronted with the bitter truths of reality, and are thus vulnerable. Moreover, the Romance Potential Reading can tell you how romantic you are towards your beloved. Further, you may come across as being weak and stubborn. But people who know you well can ignore your negative qualities because you are very affectionate and compassionate. You deeply feel for the underprivileged class of people and will do your bit for them whenever it is possible.

The planet Neptune is the God of the Seas. It depicts the dissolution of reality, as it is believed that the Earth arises from the ocean and finally dissolves back into it. Neptune is represented by the halo around it, which disables you from seeing what is real. Therefore, you have to depend on your imagination to help you through the hidden aspects of life. Neptune also symbolises the spiritual and the mystical aspect of your personality. It is about anything that you cannot perceive with your five senses. Further, to make the most of your inherent abilities, we are offering you a FREE Astro Profile.

The Twelfth House of the Zodiac is believed to symbolise endings, but this is not true; it is actually about recycling, and transforming into something new. It is about spirituality, surrender to God, and the secrets of the world. You are also likely to come face to face with your short-comings and try to correct the mistakes you have made.

You come under the Water Sign and are therefore very emotional people. Just like still waters, your emotions can be deep, or like flowing water, they can be shallow. Moreover, your emotions don’t remain consistent. You are prone to mood changes. You are such great dreamers that you can spend your entire life in a world of your own. However, your intuition is so sharp that you can easily relate to other people’s thoughts, which is quite unique in the entire Zodiac.

The positive traits of your Sign are that you are imaginative and creative; you are not an egoist; you can adjust to different situations; and you are amiable, which wins you a lot of friends. Your other plus points are that you are compassionate, patient, sincere and dedicated.

Your weaknesses are that you are prone to being passive and submissive, which makes you open to being exploited. Your other minus points are that you are over-emotional, over-sentimental and can be very pessimistic. You may also be indecisive and confused, and may show escapist or indulgent behaviour. In fact, we suggest you to buy the report – Chart your Destiny to discover your natural skills and overcome your weaknesses.

The Pisces-born can be so disorganised, unsystematic and indisciplined that it can cause a lot of clutter in their minds. They can also get addicted to alcohol, which can disrupt their personal lives. They need to practice yoga and meditation, which can give them the peace of mind that they seek. This is a lucky Sign, and many of these natives make money from inheritance or windfalls. However, they are not too good at handling cash.